Friday, April 8, 2011

Monthly Check-In Time


How on earth did that happen?!?!?

I am thrilled to report that our taxes are filed (whew! That was a huge relief to cross off the list) and our dumpster is at the curb, full of papers that I actually managed to sort through last night. I'm on a bit of a "got something done" high :)

Although life around our house is a bit less hectic, our days are still very full. We're all more involved in a variety of activities, and I don't like the rushed feelings that accompany the busyness. For instance, we are currently taking part in an 8 week long class at church that meets on Monday evening. We take the kids with us, and have yet to make it home by 9 PM. Our daughter's bedtime is 7:30 our son's is 8:00. This generally translates to a whiny, emotional Tuesday morning. Have toyed with the idea of getting a sitter for Monday evenings, but just can't bring myself to shell out the cash; the class is excellent and something that hubby & I have committed to, and I just try to remind myself that this is for a brief period. Still, it's a kink in our family's schedule. I am now volunteering at a small local museum, so there's one day a week that I'm gone. I am usually at school at least 2 days a week, even if only for an hour. Hubby has had more responsibility given to him at work, and while thankfully that hasn't meant longer days, it has meant that when he comes home he is just wiped out. Add in general church activities, reading, swimming, eating, etc. and there doesn't seem to be much down time... I am not complaining about this, but am guarding our schedule and trying not to add anything else.

Physical update: I haven't lost any weight since Christmas, and in fact have gained a total of six pounds. Not the direction I want to be heading. I haven't been eating complete garbage, but I also haven't been tracking like I should, and will be back on sparkpeople starting Monday. These past few months have just reinforced the idea that I have to stick with it, and continually be mindful. My weight has been a lifelong struggle, and just because the number on the scale is lower doesn't mean that my issues have disappeared. I need to stay in the Word, watch my attitude, and before popping anything into my mouth, ask myself, "Why am I eating this?!" The health-oriented Bible study I've been attending only has two weeks left, and they are not planning to have a Monday group in the fall, so I'll be losing that accountability. Still have no idea how that piece will come together... Our pool is now warm enough that we've been able to hop in, and I have done at least 20 minutes of solid swimming three days this week. I have to force myself to get moving, but it always feels so good when I do! On a related note, there's a great little devotional about our bodies being temples here.

General update: I feel like an messy, emotional blob. I still have so much work to do to get our home to a proper state. I've started a lot of projects that I haven't completed, and consequently things usually end up worse than when I started. I'm struggling with how to show Christ's love when I don't want to be around people - when they let their kids control their lives and then constantly complain about it, or when I see someone presenting themselves in a particular way, and I want to start yelling that they're a hypocrite. A lot of that is my human issues that need a serious dose of the Holy Spirit... but there are also those moments when I feel that prick, that God has presented me with an opportunity to step into someone's life for a moment, to help in a tiny way, and also speak a seed of truth that may or may not take root (and I'm referring to truth such as, "I know this is so tough, but God does have a plan," not "You might not want to give your kid that box of candy seeing as how they just threw a temper tantrum when you handed them apple slices.") I can be so judgmental, and it's not my place - that's for God alone. I'm certainly not without sin, so why am I eagerly standing on the sidelines with my arms full of stones?!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12


Shay said...

I will be honest and say that I hate the weight loss journey, in particular because it never ends. I've gone up & down & up again over the years, and I hate even thinking about it at this point. So I feel your pain girl! Glad you're not giving up, and are getting back on track again. As for busy lives, I understand, and it's so hard to not get over-involved, especially with church. I've been on a quest lately to simplify my life. I find I can waste a lot of time on things that are 'good', but aren't what He is calling me specifically to do. Much to think about. :)

Dave, Krysten, Andrew, and Kira said...

Oh Trish,
I can so sympathize with the judging part - it happens to me more than I care to admit! But when I realize who I am without Christ - I am one ugly person and just b/c God's decided to change me and work in my heart and not in others about a particular circumstance, I need to be cautious and remember who I am without Him!! Thank you always for your sincere transparency!!