And now catching up with a few pics:
1 - For dinner Tuesday night, I was reheating some leftover peas, and as I pulled them out of the microwave to walk towards the table I had a little dropsy moment. Hubby was very quick to point out that I had pead all over the floor, which the kids thought was absolutely hysterical. When I shared this pic/story on facebook, a friend suggested that some grey poupon would round things out quite nicely. Seems we never outgrow our love of potty humor ;)
2 - TX Public Schools week means an excuse for the kids to dress up. When they initially brought the flyer home, our daughter was excitedly reading over the different themes, and wanted to know whether I would know how she should dress for Thursday's "Flashback to the 80s." Uh, yeah, I have some insight into that era. Sadly our son was already starting to feel pretty lousy that day, so he didn't want his hair spiked like we had originally planned, but we did get his collar up at least. And A? Well, she was a little confused about why I seemed to feel she needed two pairs of socks, all those bracelets and all that hair product -- she should just be thankful I let her wear capris rather than long pants folded over and rolled ;)
3 - Realizing I never shared a finished view of our living room. It's really hard to get a good pic, but this at least gives you an idea. I promise the wall in front of and behind the stairs are the same color, although the flash makes the back one seem much greener. I'm still moving little things around, but the overall layout is pretty set now. For as large as the room is, it's tough to fully utilize because of all the doorways and kitchen pass-through (you can see the countertop sticking out on the left side), not to mention the TV and the fact that we have 2 full-sized couches rather than a couch and a loveseat. I love the little spot behind the couch with a spare dining chair, pillow, and a stack of books on the side table. It's really hard to artfully arrange vignettes when there are two folks who frequently use the decor as either a backdrop for an epic Lego battle or a Polly Pocket party, but I am trying to get a bit more creative (as long as it's nothing too valuable or fragile!)
And last but not least, as I've been feeling less than stellar myself, I've been going through my old favorites on IE and starred items in google reader to get them all over on Pinterest. Yes, after repeatedly saying that I wasn't interested, I have been pinning like mad.
TahDaah in case you want to check me out. I've even made several recipes that I had marked awhile ago but forgotten about:
chicken with mustard mascarpone sauce,
baked potato rounds with cheese and bacon,
strawberry spinach salad with poppyseed vinaigrette, strawberry shortcake with
homemade sweet biscuits, and
lemon "brownies". I'm thinking we're going to try out the
baked oatmeal and
pizza muffins over Spring Break. Mmm Mmm Good!!
On that note, time to get back to "real" life. Will try to share some spring break updates when I get a chance.