Thursday, July 24, 2008

Random Babblings

Just a few silly things to share:

Yesterday morning, D asked whether he could have the boxes that I'd stacked by the front door (ready to go out to the trash), and said that he wanted to build a house for his sister's barbies. How could I deny that request? Scissors and glue sticks were also requested. I can't say the result was exactly stellar - in fact they never completed it - but they had a ball. It was great hearing them talk through their ideas, too. I was completely cracking up when D said that they needed to put holes in the walls to the barbies could breathe.

barbie house

Yesterday afternoon I had the weather channel on for a bit, watching the progress of Dolly. D was fascinated by the footage of the flooded streets, and excitedly exclaimed that he knew what the people needed to do: "Everybody should open their front doors, then open their freezers and then the water will turn to ice!" How's that for an alternative approach? I must admit I'm a bit unclear as to why sheets of ice would be preferable to water ;)

And in happy news, our 12 YO car has passed inspection so we're good for another year. Whew!


Shay said...

How fun! :)

Jane said...

Cardboard boxes never lose their appeal. Mine still love them and they're 10 and 11

Dapoppins said...

Yeah for passing inspection!

Yeah for boxes!

In Pursuit of His Call said...

"I must admit I'm a bit unclear as to why sheets of ice would be preferable to water ;)"

So that the water would stop running...