Me? My emotions are all over the place. The selfish part of me is looking forward to having some "free" hours in my day, but another part of me wants to somehow freeze these precious moments. The Mama Bear wants to prevent the tears resulting from playground spats, frustration when a new school topic just isn't sinking in, and the loss of innocence from "learning" things from other kids... and while I know that we could cocoon them a bit longer, it's time to let go (just a bit ;)
This article over on girltalk really spoke to my heart. The world is a fearful place, but focusing on those concerns isn't going to get me anywhere (except possibly to the doctor for anti-anxiety meds!). God is always the right answer :)
The Fear-of-God builds up confidence, and makes a world safe for your children (Prov 14:26, Msg)
awww, ((Trish)) I'll save the article to read later when mine are yelling PLANETASAUR right next to me. I have no explanation.
aren't yelling, that should say. sigh.
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