Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Tomorrow is December 1. How is that possible?!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with a couple other East Coast transplants, and had a lovely time. We supplied the turkey, stuffing & gravy, which thankfully means that I'm not staring at piles of desserts. In theory. You see, my hubby happens to love cheesecake, and our host graciously sent him home with an entire one that was left over. I watched him eat it for breakfast Sunday morning -- while I was measuring out my fiber cereal and skim milk. Grrr. That was one of those times that I kept chanting to myself, "I'm getting healthier, I'm getting healthier!"

Unfortunately we also have sickness circulating in our house. We'd all had a nasty cold a few weeks ago, and while it wasn't severe, it slowed us all down and was taking awhile to shake off entirely. Well, Saturday morning our little girl was not her normal perky self. Our son started showing symptoms yesterday, and both had slight fevers this morning. I kept them home from school, drug them to the doctor's office (where our son had great fun using the stirrups on the exam table as a ramp for his mini skateboards) and received the verdict: strep. Off to Walgreens for pink medicine!

Anyway, I am definitely behind on my normal holiday prep. The tree hasn't gone up - in fact, the fallish decor hasn't even been put away yet. Hoping to remedy the situation by this weekend. I also will be doing some baking, as I'm participating in a cookie exchange on Thursday night; I figure that this is a good way for my family to get some sweets, because there's no way I'm producing a bunch this year. I'm making chocolate crinkles - simple and easy!

Thankfully the gifts have all pretty much been purchased, but I need to get them wrapped up - and of course many need to be shipped. I had hoped to have that done this week, but the new goal is next Monday. We're heading off to Arizona again for Christmas, so at least that's one less package to be sent. Whew - that's a lot to get done in the next week or so. Why on earth am I sitting at the computer?! Toodles!

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