How does God put up with us? How does our perfect, sovereign Lord put up with all our issues?! Because honestly, if I were in charge I think I'd flood the earth every couple years with the hope that "this batch" will turn out better. Sigh.
How do you handle the zealous person? You know, the one that suddenly decides they should cook healthier for their family, so every conversation you have with them turns into a lecture about how YOU are poisoning your children with the stuff you're putting on their plate... Or perhaps the person who sends out constant emails with updates from an orphanage in Russia, or a pregnancy center, or a community farm in Zimbabwe or whatever cause they've devoted themselves to.... Many of these are good things, and there's something to be said for being made aware.... But if you don't embrace their cause, does this mean that you don't care, that you are actually on Satan's side?
And what about groups at church? What happens when one study group suddenly becomes *the* thing to be involved with -- and well, I'm pretty sure that's
not where God has me right now, and I somehow feel like I need to justify my lack of participation...
And what about that person that you reach out to, and while you consider her a friend, she feels you should play a much larger role in her life? How do you deal with the guilt when you see her phone number come up on the caller ID, and you don't even answer because you don't want to hear about her drama and decline yet another invitation to get together...
And then we have the kids. What happens when a friend comes over, and you see the friend's inappropriate behavior? How do you handle discussions when your child comments that a kid in his or her class has yet another new daddy?
How do you show God's love in a messed-up world?
I'm going with the dig into the Bible and pray option. Still struggling with how the answers play out on a day to day basis.
And don't be upset if I don't respond to your email right away -- or answer the phone ;)