Sunday, July 6, 2014

Whew, what a crazy couple months!

Haven't posted in awhile, but things have *not* been quiet at our house.

The most "exciting" news was that hubby spent some time in ICU. Ugh.  Took him in to the hospital as his cold would just not go away, and I was sure that it had developed into walking pneumonia; I expected him to get a breathing treatment, a prescription for an inhaler and antibiotics, and be on our way... instead, his blood pressure was scary high (but he had none of the normal symptoms) and yes, he *did* have pneumonia, but complicated by the BP issue, which was also causing him to retain water.  Only it was going to his lungs, rather than ankles like most "normal" people. He ended up spending six days in the hospital, and at that point we were just trying to keep his BP below 170/100.  He was home about a week, and then we ended up back in the hospital - overmedication caused his kidneys to rebel so the second admission was for "acute renal failure."  He was re-admitted on the kids' last day of school, and this time he was there five days.  I am *so* done with sitting around in hospitals, waiting for doctors to make rounds.  I do want to say how incredibly thankful I am for the amazing friends who stepped up and helped take care of our kids while I was at the hospital.  We are truly blessed.

In other news, our church has purchased a building, and that's another crazy story.  Our congregation has been meeting for over eight years now, the majority of which we've been meeting in the cafe/auditorium at a local middle school, and we have a small office space rented in a storefront... Well, we have a realtor that attends our church, and she was handling a listing for the old Sears Service center in town. She called our pastor while he was away at a conference to tell him she thought it was a possibility for our church.  Fast forward a few weeks, and we were running a super-abbreviated capital campaign in June - you know, the worst time of year to ask for money since people are on vacation and such.  But through yet another miracle we managed to raise enough money that we raised sufficient pledges to secure funding through our denomination, and officially purchased the building on June 30. Wowzers. It needs some reno, but we're hoping to start meeting there in late September or mid October. Super excited to think about actually having a facility -especially with our children's ministry.  Being able to put up bulletin boards, or make copies on Sunday morning -- what a luxury!!

Still working on things around the house, still purging & organizing and I want to do some painting, too.  Hard to believe, but we're coming up on our 5 year Texas anniversary!  We did go away for just a couple days to Corpus Christi to celebrate the 4th, and hope to post a few pics later this week :)

1 comment:

MAC said...

Phew! Sounds like you need a vacation. I am so glad Dave is doing better...glad you followed your instinct and dragged him in to the hospital.