Monday, January 12, 2009

"Big Girl"

Our daughter grew attached to "blankie" before she was a year old. These were the burp rags that I used with both kids (a cheapie pack of 12 cloth diapers), and for some reason she really latched onto them. She also sucks her thumb - but only when she has blankie.

She toddled around with them, and I was thankful to have multiples so that I could at least launder them and rotate the stash :) Somewhere around 2 1/2, blankie was limited to the bed. A few months ago, we began preparing her for the next milestone: when she turned 4, the blankie would go away.

I took this picture on Saturday - the last night she slept as a 3 YO. Yesterday she turned all the blankies over to us. She went to sleep OK, but woke up in the middle of the night crying. We talked about it this morning. She said she was still a little sad not to have her blankie, but very proud that she's a "big 4 girl" now.

Yep, my "baby" is definitely growing up...


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Where has the time gone??? I think I remember bringing you dinner when she was born and it doesn't seem like four years! Happy B-day, A!

Ivymamma said...

What a sweet girl! I have one that sucks her thumb too, but she holds her foot...don't think I could take that away when she turns four, huh?

Shay said...

awww, what a sweet pic!
E had the same 'raggies' for years too, and they slowly got worn out, lost, etc., until there is only one left. Every once in a while I see it come through the laundry, so I know he still likes to sleep with it, lol.

In Pursuit of His Call said...

Does she still suck her thimb without blankie?