Monday, December 8, 2008


It's finally beginning to look a bit like Christmas around here! We purchased an artificial, pre-lit tree after Christmas last year, and while I must admit that I miss the pine scent, I did *NOT* miss the search for "the tree that looks OK but isn't ridiculously expensive," nor the quest to get it in the stand, immediately followed by the epic husband-wife "is it straight yet?" debate, nor the untangling of lights. And I definitely won't miss crawling underneath to add water (inevitably scratching my forehead and soaking the tree skirt in the process), or finding needles for the next 3 months. Yep, this is seeming like a pretty good idea. Now to get some ornaments on it!

On a side note, I'm finding I'm getting rather sentimental about things these days. It's our last Christmas in this house, so I want to decorate it up right. This will be our last cold winter for awhile... have I taken enough pictures of the kids with their red noses and stocking hats? Yesterday we had a potluck after church, and I couldn't help but look around and wonder if we'd be able to make it to another one. Those of you who've made major moves, can you tell me if this is normal?! I'm afraid that my poor husband may soon suffer permanent damage to his eye sockets, as my schmoopy statements of "This will be the last time that..." are often met with an eye roll :)


Shay said...

I haven't made any major moves in my life yet (except college) so I don't have any advice on that really. But having just changed churches, I can tell you that I did an awful lot of thinking 'this is the last time that we'll___' So to me that's normal. I think bloggers in general tend to be more contemplative anyway, so ignore the eye rolling and enjoy the north whilst you can. :)

Jacki Marie said...

I have a little experience with that moving stuff. You're normal and sentimental. In a few years and a few more kids, all that moving stuff will have you so busy that you won't even remember to think about the sentimental stuff. When you return for a visit, that's when you get nostalgic. ;)

Anonymous said...

Its normal! Soak it all in. I remember when we moved from CO it was sad to know that we would be missing all our friends, places, etc. I still do, but I am glad for the memories we have. Its not going to be the same without you guys around!

Dapoppins said...

I think it is normal.

I do not like change, and would be resisting with all that is in me...and soaking up the present.

In Pursuit of His Call said...

Moves are bitter-sweet. Whenever DearDaughter1 gets together with her best friend or even when I have to run out for an errand, even before her best friend leaves or before I leave, DearDaughter will say, "I miss Becca" or "I miss you mommy." Just the thought of not being with her best friend or mommy makes DearDaughter1 miss us. I think that's where your sentimentality is coming from. Just the thought of not being here already makes you miss it. You're going to miss this place that you've been at for 10+ years and you'll even long for the comfort of the familiar. That's normal! One advice, which I know you won't have a problem doing...Don't leave your heart here...and what I mean by that is...Don't let your longing to be with the familiar friends and church family here get in the way of building new relationships with friends and church family members there. You'll miss out on a lot there if you keep missing here.

kristin said...

oh, sister..I'm EXACTLY right there with you! We've lived in iowa for going on ten years now..and while I'm very anxious to be moving back to's going to be sooooo different...and lonely I'm afraid!

I have done the opposite regards to the decorating...I'm plannng to go hog-wild NEXT year....we've totally tamed it down this year...

you're least,'re like me :)