Thursday, December 20, 2007

Chistmas is HOW many days away?!?!

I'm so far behind it's ridiculous. Haven't wrapped a single gift or even sent cards yet. I'm seriously debating whether it's even worth doing at this point. We didn't put up many decorations, but the tree and nativity set will have to suffice. I did manage to finish a little project that is now hanging on the wall in our living room that you can check out here.

We're doing Christmas with hubby's sister on Saturday, and then my brother on Sunday. Christmas Eve candlelight service at the church, but then the rest of the week is blessedly free of other obligations. Gifts have all been purchased, but I will be doing the mondo grocery run tonight. Need to pick up normal stuff as well as ingredients for spinach cheese pie and seafood chowder. Mmm Mmm Good.

We did have a very lovely surprise earlier this week - UPS knocked on the door, and I couldn't figure out what the big white package could be. Well, it was a cooler full of goodies from Omaha Steaks (in fact, that box will be providing our Christmas dinner!). Mommy was excited about the pounds and pounds of meat - Daddy and the kiddos were excited about the dry ice in the bottom, and had a ball playing with the "fog" in the bathroom.

So what else is going on? Little D is on day 5 of medicine for an ear infection. I'm still not over this silly cold, and our daughter isn't really healthy, either. I am thankful that none of it is severe (we've had several friends with children in the hospital recently) but I'm getting tired of slime. On the mommy and daddy front, we're still trying to decide how to handle the Santa issue. We've just side-stepped questions up to this point, but D has heard all about the jolly old elf from others, so is asking lots more questions. Santa wasn't a part of my childhood, and hubby doesn't remember it ever being a big deal. I know many people consider it to be part of the "magic" of the holidays, but I really don't want to focus on the gifts. I do have a great book that talks about St. Nicholas and I'm leaning toward reading that over with the kids.

Lastly, here's a bit of silly fun:

Your Elf Name Is...

Pixie Tinsel Toes


Jacki Marie said...
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Jacki Marie said...

First of all, let me tell you that all of my kids are ok. But, we didn't do Santa at our house mainly because Santa WAS a part of my childhood. When I found out that Santa wasn't real and realized it was all a big lie, I naturally put everbody I had been taught to believe in (Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Jesus and everybody else in the Bible) in the same category. It was very confusing to me and I decided that I would not lie to my kids. We still have fun with Christmas and they are well aware that we, their parents, purchase their Christmas gifts because God had chosen to bless us with the finances to do so. My children didn't leave milk and cookies for their "Santa". They always made sure she had cappuccino and cheesecake. (wink, wink) This year since I'm not drinking coffee, we'll have herb tea and cheesecake.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this time of year crazy?! The dry ice looks like so much fun. We used to get it when we were kids and boy, was it fun!

No Santa for us here. Isn't it funny the things we have to decide once we are parents? Decisions, decisions...

Anonymous said...

PS. Did your hubby make a dry ice bomb with that? That's what Jeff would do.

In Pursuit of His Call said...

So, how did you handle the Santa question? Santa is EVERYWHERE and I'm glad Little G is still so little to really inquire about that yet. I like your idea about explaining St. Nick to the kiddos and explaining how Santa came about. That way, the issue is addressed, and then you can really stress the real reason we celebrate Christmas. I think when Little G is older and inquires that's what we'll do...

Did the steaks turn out good? Were those gifts from someone?