Monday, January 14, 2008

Birthday Girl

Well, our daughter certainly had an interesting birthday celebration!! We had considered taking the kids out to see the Pirates (which would be their first theater movie), but decided to wait for a week or so. When we asked our daughter what she wanted, she said she wanted to roast marshmallows. Um, do you realize your birthday is in January little girl? The weather was unseasonably warm, though, so we thought we'd actually be able to have a little fire in the backyard. But then it started to rain. We ended up having an impromptu celebration with a friend at lunch, and then decided we'd have Chinese for dinner and then a "campout night." Campout nights are pretty exciting things around here. We generally go to the library to pick out a movie or two, and then everyone brings their blankets into the living room and we just sort of goof off and cuddle until falling asleep.

But it was not to be. I pulled into the library parking lot as they were locking up. (Five o'clock? Seriously?!) I then went to go pick up our food. I was early, of course, due to the lack of a library stop. I sat in the car and caught up on my reading while waiting for the pick-up time to arrive. When I was finally only five minutes early, I headed inside to pick up our yummy food. Mein Fun here we come! Except that they had no record of my order. What?! This is the place we always order from. After some discussion with the very nice lady behind the counter, I realized that I had placed an order with another restaurant. (They're on the same street, and their names differ by a single letter. When the new flier was shoved into our door handle, I didn't pay close enough attention and just figured they had updated their menu). Sigh. Get back in the car and drive 15 minutes to the other location. Finally make it home and we sit down to eat. Dinner was disappointing (that menu has been discarded). We ended up watching an old video, then sending the kids to bed when they were getting incredibly whiny.

Saturday was better, though. The kids played outside while Daddy and I did some yardwork. Managed to have a small fire - the wood was all damp so it was incredibly smoky and never really got hot - but it was enough that we were able to roast marshmallows.

And the end result? Well, our "baby" is officially three!!


Ivymamma said...

Those kind of days are so frustrating. The best part is that she doesn't care...she got to be with her family and that's all that really matters! Maybe the presents help too!

Jacki Marie said...

plans...schmans... what matters is you have a beautiful three year old and you are a beautiful mommy.

In Pursuit of His Call said...

When things don't go our way, it is quite frustrating, but...

Little A got to roast marshmallows!!!...

We try so hard as mommies to make everything "just so" when all our kiddos want from us is love, acceptance, and the chance to have fun. Sounds like Little A got all that on her birthday.

By the way, we saw the Pirates movie last night...It was good, clean, and funny and the end brought the whole movie together in such a biblical perspective! The very last scene was probably the most "violent" and Little G cried because she hadn't seen anything like that before...It ended on a good and happy note, though, and Little G got over her "shock" quickly and was clapping and cheering in the end.

Best time to see the movie...Tuesday night matinee...We nearly had the theatre to ourselves! (I guess the snow may have contributed to that too...)

Anonymous said...

I love the camp-out idea!!