Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Recap

Well, we had another interesting weekend. Our water filter cracked at some point on Friday evening; thankfully hubby heard water running so we were able to deal with the issue before it completely flooded, but it was still a headache. The turnout for my sale on Friday night/Saturday morning was pretty disappointing, but the Lord did hook me up with a good place to donate my excess supplies (which I'd been looking for, but was having a problem finding somewhere that it would actually be used AND I could get a receipt for tax purposes).

At the wedding reception Saturday evening, we'd finished dinner and I figured I'd make a pitstop before hubby and I hit the dance floor. Well, as I exited the restrooms I went down. Hard. Still not exactly sure what happened (my foot just went out from under me), but our evening was cut short as I hobbled out. And rather than attending church yesterday, I sat on the couch with my foot up. Thankfully I didn't sprain my ankle or anything too severe (I think I just hyperextended the muscles on the top/side of my foot) but I'm still moving in slow motion and taking plenty of breaks to elevate my foot... great time to catch up on some reading! Hubby and I are scheduled for a date on Wednesday night, so hopefully that will be less eventful... and we can have as much as Woody and Ariel :)


Ivymamma said...

I'm sorry your dancing got cut short - hopefully your up and moving better today!

SentimentsbyDenise said...

Hi Trish!
Hope your foot is feeling better and that this week is a good one for you!


In Pursuit of His Call said...

You know, it's hard to believe that even this hard weekend was ordained by God! and it seems that you've already named the blessings you've received...1. a place to donate your excess supplies where you can deduct on your tax return 2. nothing is broken on your foot and 3. the opportunity to read more...

I hope you're feeling better.