Sunday, August 24, 2008


Summer colds are nasty things, aren't they? I've been fighting this off for a couple days, but I woke up this morning with my head pounding, cement lodged in my sinuses, and evidently my voice is off on vacation somewhere... I'm disappointed because now we'll be staying home from church (A is also running a slight fever, so that was the deciding factor).

On a side note, things have actually been going relatively well with hubby gone. Had a girls night on Friday, and it was wonderful to catch up with friends. Yesterday the kids and I pulled out the craft bin and got creative, making pipe cleaner "fairies" and painting airplanes, suncatchers, and a variety of other bits.

Tomorrow is D's kindergarten orientation, so I really need to get better. I may just pop a movie in and lay on the couch. Here's hoping the kiddos cooperate with that plan ;)

Funny quote for you - and something worth thinking about:
"A good marriage is a bit like a pet boa constrictor: either you feed it every day or bad things happen."
- Ty Wenger (from this article)

1 comment:

Shay said...

lol about the boa quote :P

Hope you feel better soon!