Monday, May 14, 2007

Another thought on HAPPINESS vs. HOLINESS

That ongoing struggle (see my previous post here) showed up in yesterday's sermon. As it was Mother's Day, our pastor took a week off from our journey through Acts and talked about Hannah and Samuel (read the story here). What a contrast to Eli and his rebellious sons! Just because you're around the things of God doesn't mean that godliness automatically follows.

I know I've heard other parents make the statement that, "I just want my kids to be happy." That's a sad statement, and frankly is going to lead to a lifetime of hurt. Or when asked about their future, there's always the popular, "I just want them to follow their hearts..." Even more scary, when you consider that the heart is "desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9) A poor choice, with eternal ramifications.

So as we raise our children - a difficult task under any circumstances - what are working toward? Do we want them to be good or godly? Which is more important, their happiness or their holiness?

1 comment:

In Pursuit of His Call said...

Thanks for this great reminder about our goal and purpose for parenting :)